porfesr - Fratelli Pierozzi

POR Creo - F.lli Pierozzi S.N.C.

Project co-financed under Tuscany POR FESR 2014-2020

Line: 4.2.1 – Sub-action a1 – Call for tender “Aid for energy efficiency projects of companies buildings- Call 2017

Titolo progetto: R.E.Fra.Pi

Request: CUP 7012.22052017.109000102

Project implementation Period: 2017-2019

The intervention aims to reduce electricity consumption by implementing two specific actions:

  • 1 – replacement of the two electric water heaters with the same number of heat pump type.
  • 2 – installation of a photovoltaic system with a peak power of 44.4 kW
Le ali alle tue idee - Fratelli Pierozzi